History of Our School
Maynard Road board school opened in 1884; an infants’ department was added in 1885. By 1903 the school had been enlarged and in 1912 had places for 1,494. It was reorganized in 1929 for juniors and infants." From: 'Walthamstow: Education and charities', A History of the County of Essex: Volume 6 (1973), pp. 304-17.
The original Henry Maynard School was built in the 1870's. The main entrance was in Brunswick Street and there were separate buildings for boys and girls. In 1884 an infant school was added.
In 1973-4 the junior school was rebuilt with its main entrance on Addison Road and a new infants school was built on the Maynard Road site. This second Henry Maynard Junior School building was sadly destroyed by fire in March 1996 although the community of the school, and it's spirit, certainly were not.
Whilst the school was being rebuilt a mobile village was set up taking up most of the playground. Eight double mobiles were home to 16 classes and the only other buildings were a further dining/ hall mobile, an old school prefab, serving as office and staff room and what can only be described as a 'tin box' for the Head teacher's office. The present building finally opened to children in January 1999.
On 1st September 2012 the two separate Henry Maynard Infant and Junior Schools once again joined when they amalgamated to form Henry Maynard Primary School and Nursery School.

Excited children celebrating the London 2012 Olympics.

Who was Henry Maynard?
Henry Maynard's father was called Charles and he was knighted by King James I. The Maynard's did not at first live in Walthamstow but instead settled in the village of Little Easton, near Dunmow in Essex.
In 1635, Henry Maynard's father purchased the manor of Walthamstow Toni, and it was at the old feudal manor house called Toni Hall, later known as Shern Hall, that Henry Maynard was born in 1646. The manor house was located on the edge of Berry Field where the Ancient House stands today.
Henry Maynard eventually became very rich as a London merchant. He owned many big ships that sailed around the world bringing back goods to sell in London. At the time travelling by ship was very dangerous. They were in danger from pirates, unfriendly local rulers, enemy shipping and bad weather.
Henry Maynard died on 27 th November 1686 and was buried close to the Maynard Monument in St Mary's Church in Walthamstow village. He donated large sums of money from his wealth to both the church and local schools.
There are more pictures and information on the Walthamstow Memories page: http://www.walthamstowmemories.net/html/Schools/HenryMaynard_School.html

Harry Kane came to visit our school and have lunch with some children as part of a LIDL advert in 2017