Toy Library
We are delighted to have finally brought back Stay and Play to Henry Maynard!
Stay and play takes place every Wednesday, from 9.15-11.15 in our hall at Maynard Road. All families with children from 0-4 are welcome to attend.
The session costs of £2 per child. We provide drinks and snacks for children, and hot drinks and biscuits for parents and carers.
Our stay and play sessions are run by an experienced childminder and overseen by a member of our extended schools team. Activities are set out to cover the areas of learning in the Early Years.
If you would like to find out more, please send an email to RE: Stay and Play Wednesdays.
We welcome all parents and carers from our local community to join us at the weekly Toy Library. We hope you and your toddler enjoy your time with us.
Please note that Stay and Play is not suitable for children of school age and they should not accompany adults to the sessions.
Stay and Play is a fantastic place to meet local parents and carers and a safe place for your toddler to play with other children.
We look forward to welcoming you and your children to our Stay and Play sessions!