The Governors and staff at Henry Maynard Primary fully recognise the contribution we all make to safeguarding children. All staff and Governors believe that our school should provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment, which promotes the social, physical and moral development of each individual child. We are committed to maintaining an ethos where children feel secure and are encouraged to talk and are always listened to.
We take Safeguarding of children and Child Protection extremely seriously.
The school will, in most circumstances, endeavour to discuss all concerns with parents about their children. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with Social Care and/or the Police without parental knowledge (in accordance with the London Child Protection procedures).
The school will, of course, always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents.
The school’s Safeguarding Policy (including child protection) is available in the Policies section of this website, along with our Online safety Policy.
Should you have any concerns, the Safeguarding Officers (DSL) are:
Mrs N. Hillman (Inclusion Assistant Head)
Miss C. Hunton (Assistant Headteacher)
Mrs Mainwood (Deputy SENCO).
Keeping children safe is our key priority.
All visitors must access the school via the main entrance and sign in at the school office where they will be issued with a visitor badge and asked to sign a Safeguarding declaration.
Our school is committed to providing a secure environment for pupils, where children feel safe and are kept safe. All adults in our school recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility irrespective of the role they undertake or whether their role has direct contact or responsibility for children or no
Safeguarding leaflets
Safeguarding newsletter
We recognise that good attendance and punctuality aid good learning, pupil progress and behaviour. We request family and parent support to ensure that children attend school regularly and on time, so that they may fully access the curriculum.
Please be mindful that absence during term time cannot be authorised unless there are explained exceptional circumstances. Holidays during term time are not exceptional circumstance.
If your child is sick, please contact the school office first thing on each day of their absence to inform us.
Pastoral Care
We have a number of staff who are trained as Learning Mentors and they play a key role in pastoral support and mentor pupils on an individual needs basis. We work closely with a range of agencies to support pupils in need and have a trainee social worker to support pupils and their families placed in school on an annual basis.

Operation Encompass
Henry Maynard is part of Operation Encompass that schools in Waltham Forest are participating in partnership with the Police and Local Authority.
The following websites have useful guides for parents.
Online Safety in school
At Henry Maynard School we know that it is important to teach pupils about the underpinning knowledge and behaviours that can help them to navigate the online world safely and confidently regardless of the device, platform or app. Children in every Year group take part in specific lessons regarding this.