Statement of British Values
At Henry Maynard Primary School and Nursery we actively promote British Values.
We recognise the diversity within our society and ensure that British Values are embedded in our curriculum. The teaching of British Values is integrated as part of the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) learning that takes place across all curriculum areas.
We promote British Values in the following ways:
- Our School Council promotes the democratic process – pupils nominate and vote for class representative for the School Council.
- Our marking scheme enables pupils to respond to their learning process.
- Children create class rules and adhere to our school rules.
- Pupil and Parent questionnaires are completed annually.
- Pupils in Year 5 & 6 are elected as Sports Ambassadors, who support PE and sport across our school.
- Children are encouraged to voice their opinions in formal and informal ways (suggestion boxes, questionnaires, petitions).
Individual Liberty
- Children are provided with boundaries which encourage them to make choices safely.
- Pupils are encouraged to respectfully express their views and beliefs.
- Pupils have key roles and responsibilities in school such as Librarians, Sports Ambassadors, School Council, Green Team, Special Day person, Playground Pals.
- Pupils have the opportunity and choice to take part in a wide range of different extra-curricular activities.
- Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our online safety and PSHE lessons and at Circle Time.
- Pupils know who to speak to if they are worried or concerned about themselves or others e.g. safeguarding officers and learning mentors.
Tolerance of those of different faith and beliefs
- We celebrate major world religion festivals throughout the year.
- Our RE and PSHE curriculum provides broad and balanced learning about the main world religions and reinforces messages of tolerance and respect for others.
- Each year group visits a place of worship at least once a year.
- We have created a community cohesion parent/carer group which meets to review the curriculum, school events, community engagement and provide feedback to ensure that all pupils and families are represented and valued in school.
- We provide resources to ensure that all pupils are effectively integrated into the teaching and learning process and the wider school including those that join us throughout the year and who have English as an additional language
- Our diverse staff represents our school community.
- Members of different faiths and religions form our school and community are encouraged to share their knowledge to extend and enhance learning in classrooms.
- Pupils visit places of worship that are important to different faiths.
- Pupils learn about the contributions to society that people from different ethnic groups have made during Black History Month.

Mutual Respect
- Pupils work in teams, share ideas in public and show respect for other pupils’ opinions during Circle Time, dedicated weekly PSHE lessons, class assemblies and concerts.
- Our School rules reinforce mutual respect.
- All members of the school community treat each other with respect and model tolerance and respect in their behaviour with colleagues and pupils.
- Pupils work together in different groupings and situations in different lessons and subjects.
- All pupils participate in live productions and assemblies throughout the year.
The Rule of Law
- We have clear rules and expectations for behaviour and a Whistle-Blowing Policy which is followed and adhered to by all pupils, staff and parents.
- Each class has a code of conduct created by pupils in each class at the start of the school year.
- Whole school assemblies follow a Collective Worship weekly theme and include E-safety, Road Safety, Stranger Danger and Caring for the environment.
- Learning Mentors and staff work closely with our school EWO to ensure attendance and punctuality is good.
- Pupils follow, respect and appreciate different rules in different situations – in PE lessons, on trips or visits to different places of worship.
- Pupils are awarded weekly certificates to recognise hard work and learning achievement.
- Reinforcement of laws and rules of the class, school and country through assemblies and when dealing with behaviour and.
- Visits from authorities such as the Police and Fire Service support learning that we all have responsibilities and that there are consequences when laws are broken.
- The school supports pupils to regulate their own behaviour and make choices for the well-being of themselves and others.