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Term dates 2024-2025

Please click on a term below to see full list of the important dates, INSET days, bank holidays and half-term holidays. We follow Waltham Forest Term dates. 

A month-by-month view calendar can be found at the bottom of our Homepage.

School timings: 

Maynard Road:

Nursery AM - 8.30-11.30            Nursery PM - 12.30-3.30

Reception, Years 1, Year 2:         Classroom doors open: 8.35-8.45                 Register: 8.45am                 Hometime: 3.15pm

Addison Road: 

Years 3, 4, 5, 6:           Classroom doors open: 8:45-8.55am             Register: 8:55am             Home time: 3:25pm


  • Autumn Term 2024-25: Monday 2nd September - Thursday 19th December

    Monday 2 September - INSET day - Staff training day, school closed to children

    Tuesday 3 September - INSET day - Staff training day, school closed to children

    Wednesday 4 September - First day at school for KS1 & KS2 children (Nursery and Reception staggered start)

    Monday 21 October to Friday 25 October - Autumn Half-term holiday - school closed to children

    Thursday 19 December - Last day of term - Maynard Road school day finishes at 2pm. Addison Road school day finishes at 2.15pm.

    No after-school clubs will be running on the last day of term.

    Friday 20 December to Friday 3 January - Christmas Holiday

  • Spring Term 2024-25 : Monday 6th January - Friday 4th April

    Monday 6 January INSET day - Staff training day, school closed to children

    Tuesday 7 January - Children return to school

    Monday 17 February to Friday 21 February - Spring Half-term holiday - school closed to children

    Friday 4th April - Last day of term -  Maynard Road school day finishes at 2pm. Addison Road school day finishes at 2.15pm.

    No after-school clubs will be running on the last day of term.

    Monday 7th April to Sunday 20 April - Easter Holiday - school closed to children

  • Summer Term 2024-25: Tuesday 22nd April - Wednesday 23rd July

    Monday 21 April - Bank holiday - school closed to all

    Tuesday 22nd April - Children return to school

    Monday 5 May - Bank Holiday - school closed to all

    Monday 26 May to Friday 30 May - Summer Half-term holiday- school closed to children

    Monday 2 June - INSET day - Staff training day, school closed to children

    Friday 11th July - INSET day - Staff training day, school closed to children

    Wednesday 23 July - Last day of term - Maynard Road school day finishes at 2pm. Addison Road school day finishes at 2.15pm.

    No after-school clubs will be running on the last day of term.

    Thursday 24 July to Sunday 31 August - Summer Holiday

Autumn term 2025-26

Monday 1st September - INSET

Tuesday 2nd September - INSET

Wednesday 3rd September - School starts for Years 1-6

Monday 27th - Friday 31st October - Half term 

Friday 19th December - Last day of term

Monday 22nd December - Friday 2nd January - Christmas Holidays

Spring term 2025-26

Monday 5th January - INSET

Tuesday 6th January - School starts for all children

Monday 16th - Friday 20th February - Half-term

Friday 27th March - Last day of term

Monday 30th March - Friday 10th April - Easter Holidays

Summer term 2025-26

Monday 13th April - First day of school 

Monday 4th May - Bank holiday

Monday 25th - Friday 29th May - Half term

Monday 1st June - INSET

Friday 17th July - Last day of term for children

Monday 20th July - INSET

End of term arrangements:

On the last day of each term there are no after school clubs. 

Maynard Road finishes at 2pm. Addison Road finishes at 2.15pm. 

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