Our Gardening Community

We started our journey in 2019 when we were awarded the Eco School's Green Flag.
This then became the catalyst for us as a school to audit the green spaces we had and how best we could use them. It all started with the pond at Addison Road.
This is when the Gardening Community was born.
A sizeable parental donation to only Eco projects was made following this, which led the way towards projects we thought were unattainable.
We then approached a local developer called Countryside to see if they could help. To date, they have…
•developed the hill space behind Reception into an outdoor classroom
•Completed the initial ground works for the Wilderness Garden
•Completed the ground work for The Kitchen Garden
What is next?
We continue to create the infastructure for The Kitchen Garden so it can be imbedded into a sustainability curriculum, with regular sessions during the week and at the weekend.
Maintenance of our other outdoor spaces is on-going.
if you would like to get involved, contact Mrs Morgan, our Sustainability Lead through the school office.
school@henrymaynard.waltham.sch.uk with the subject - Gardening Community.