Our Governors
Henry Maynard's Governing Body supports the school and the Headteacher. We aim to ensure the school has clear objectives and values that are championed by the whole school community. All the work we do has pupil achievement and school improvement at its heart. We work with the Headteacher and staff in raising standards of achievement, establishing high expectations and promoting effective teaching and learning so that every pupil achieves to the best of his or her ability.
You can contact the Governing Body via the school office or on the school email clerk@henrymaynard.waltham.sch.uk
Our school Governors play an active role in our school and have designated link areas of responsibility (alphabetical order).
Helen Ableman - Parent Governor (Parent Governor)
Clementine Alexander - Community Governor
Carl Atkin-House - Local Authority Governor (Chair - since February 2023)
Qasim Basharat - Community Governor
Sam Coles - Community Governor
Melitta Elani - Parent Governor
Deborah Emmanuel - Parent Governor
Tom Fewings - Staff Governor
Sarah Goldstone - Staff Governor
Farhana Khamker - Staff Governor
Khadija Khan - Community Governor
Duncan McMillan - Parent Governor
Bianca Sanseverino - Community Governor
Paul Thomas - Parent Governor
Susan Fieldhouse - Clerk
Finance Committee: Helen Ableman, Carl Atkin-House, Qasim Basharat, Melita Elani, Farhana Khamker, Paul Thomas
Teaching, Learning & Assessment Committee: Deborah Emmanuel (Chair), Carl Atkin-House, Sarah Goldstone, Khadija Khan, Duncan McMillan, Bianca Sanseverino, Paul Thomas (vice chair)
Pay & Personnel Committee: Sam Coles (Chair), Clemmie Alexander, Carl Atkin-House, Duncan McMillan