Curriculum Design

Phonics and Early Reading
Consistent delivery of phonics lessons following the Little Wandle planning. Phonics keep up groups in Reception and Year One help children to make progress. Decodable books are used that are matched to the children’s secure phonic knowledge.
Literacy across Key Stage 1 and 2
Literacy Tree planning sequences provide high quality learning journeys for the pupils that lead to excellent writing outcomes alongside the development of reading skills.
VIPERS skills and vocab are used throughout the school in the teaching of reading. Comprehension is taught and made a focus alongside word reading and pupils are aware of their own progress.
Class books are diverse and ambitious and reading for pleasure is celebrated across the school.

Accelerated Reader ensures that children have engaged and understood the range of books that they are reading. All the books that they read are in their zone of proximal development and their understanding is routinely checked.
White Rose small steps are used to underpin planning of lessons. End of block and half termly assessments are used to identify gaps in learning and planning is adapted accordingly. Teachers use NCETM and Nrich websites/resources to create further challenge.

Science, History and Geography
Grammarsaurus learning journeys are used to support teachers to develop subject specific planning sequences in Science, History and Geography. High quality resources are used to help pupils to develop their disciplinary and sustantive knowledge in each of these subejcts and cumulative quizzes facilitate regular, impactful assessment.


Design & Technology