At Henry Maynard, we teach for ‘mastery’: we we seek to foster confident, proactive learners who possess the transferable skills and decision-making capabilities required to succeed in the education system and beyond, into adult life.
We use the White Rose scheme alongside mastery materials from the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM).
We have high expectations and aim for all children to progress through the curriculum and to achieve high standards in maths. Our curriculum design and the time given to exploring concepts in a broad manner facilitates this.

Children will learn:
- To enjoy the subject and appreciate what mathematics is, what it involves and why it is important.
- To appreciate the importance of mathematics in our everyday lives.
- To understand the underlying principles of mathematics, and be able to apply them to different situations.
- To be able to use and apply maths confidently, in mental, investigative and computational settings.