All children are taught a minimum of two hours physical education per week. This includes an indoor session where children are taught the fundamental movement skills; agility, balance and coordination. The fundamentals learnt and practised in these lessons are then applied to a variety of games and sports played outside. Children are encouraged to develop broader holistic skills through what they have learnt and then apply them in inclusive competitions.
At Henry Maynard, we aim for all children to become physically literate by developing the building blocks that underpin the ability to play and be involved in many different sports.
We follow the "Real PE" and "PE Hub" schemes of work for Physical Education and have high expectations for the outcomes pupils achieve.
Children will learn:
- to apply and develop a broad range of skills and learn how to use them in different ways.
- to communicate, collaborate and compete with other pupils.
-to develop an understanding of how to improve, evaluate their performance and recognise success.
Gymnastics - pupils learn to control their bodies through planning, performing, and refining different means of turning, balancing and travelling on hands and feet using both floor and apparatus.
Games - pupils learn to understand and play ball games and develop and refine skills of sending, receiving, striking and travelling with a ball. During school time pupils play
small team games and team sports are also available as extra-curricular activities.
Dance - pupils learn to perform dances using a range of movements.
Swimming - pupils attend swimming lessons in Year 4. Swimming is a compulsory part of the national curriculum for PE.
There are a number of swimming pools in Waltham Forest and we recommend that children are introduced to swimming before Year 4.
For more information please visit:
Better leisure swim sessions
Analyse - Children will learn to analyse their own performance, apply tactics and aim to achieve their personal best.
Curriculum statement and overviews
Being Active every day!
To encourage all pupils to be active every day, we subscribe to 5-a-day TV. It provides online access to fully demonstrated five-minute exercise routines and language learning resources. All children are timetabled to do 5 minutes of class based aerobic exercise per day in addition to their P.E. lessons, playtimes and afterschool sports activities.
For more information please visit:
5 a day TV