Our Curriculum

At Henry Maynard Primary, we aim to provide a rich, inclusive and creative curriculum which empowers our children to become confident, reflective, informed and curious learners. Our Curriculum is organised to provide our children with the skills and knowledge to achieve success in life, building on prior learning and experiences.
We believe in a broad and balanced curriculum, where all subjects are valued. Reading, writing and maths are taught discretely, with outcomes and experiences linked to topics and our key texts where appropriate. Reading is given a high priority across the curriculum, as we believe this allows our children to unlock a deeper knowledge of their topics, strengthen their understanding and build life-long learning skills.
We recognise the importance of oracy and vocabulary; the deliberate teaching of rich vocabulary ensures that our children are able to express their knowledge and understanding of their learning in a precise and considered manner.
Foundation subjects are grouped around themes, where appropriate, to ensure our children have the opportunity to create learning links and embed a knowledge-rich understanding of a broad range of topics and concepts.
Through our curriculum, we celebrate the diverse cultures of our children and local community. We go on local trips, drawing on the wealth of resources that Waltham Forest and London have to offer.
It is the entitlement of every child at Henry Maynard to be given an education that builds on their strengths, addresses their individual needs and ensures progression. Assessment is an essential tool in the delivery of this entitlement. Teachers use a range of assessment techniques to inform their planning, ensuring that children recognise and celebrate their achievements and know their next steps. Pupils with additional needs are well-supported in school with extra support and resources deployed where necessary to help close individual learning gaps.
Our wider curriculum across school is enhanced and supported by:
- A formal timetabled programme of lessons which are based on the National Curriculum;
- A creative, dynamic and interactive learning and teaching environment to support and challenge individual learning;
- WOW days;
- Outdoor environment and local community use;
We aim to provide our pupils with the cultural capital they need to be active members of society. We do this through:
- Extra-curricular activities such as drama productions, music and instrumental lessons, sports opportunities, additional language learning and Science clubs;
- Inviting members of our local community into school to share industry expertise, raise aspirations and foster community links;
- Weekly assemblies which highlight key national, international and religious events;
- Developing leadership skills through initiatives such as Reading Champions, Sports Ambassadors, Eco and School council reps and Playground Pals.
Information about our learning is shared with parents and carers through:
- Weekly School and Year Group newsletters;
- ½ termly Year group curriculum information letters;
- Annual curriculum information meetings;
- Year Group pages on our school website;
- Class assemblies;
- Invitations to exhibitions, workshops and displays in school;
- The school twitter @hmprimary and our school app.
Learning in the Early Years follows the Foundation Stage Profile whilst learning in Key Stage One and Two follows, and builds on the National Curriculum . Please visit the pages below for information about the implementation of individual subjects.
Our curriculum intent is evidenced through Long-Term Plans, created by the Senior Leadership Team, which demonstrate how our Vision is enacted through our curriculum design.